Kotak MF Nifty Commodities Index Fund NFO 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Groww Short Duration Reg Wly IDCW

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 1013.2634
24-02-2025 1013.1075
21-02-2025 1013.578
20-02-2025 1013.4414
18-02-2025 1013.3707
17-02-2025 1013.1075
14-02-2025 1013.7795
13-02-2025 1013.6093
12-02-2025 1013.4981
11-02-2025 1013.4914
10-02-2025 1013.1075
07-02-2025 1014.2194
06-02-2025 1014.8525
05-02-2025 1013.9425
04-02-2025 1013.3578
03-02-2025 1013.1075
31-01-2025 1013.721
30-01-2025 1013.8596
29-01-2025 1013.4998
28-01-2025 1013.3248
27-01-2025 1013.1075
24-01-2025 1014.3032
23-01-2025 1013.9789
22-01-2025 1014.1448
21-01-2025 1013.6851
20-01-2025 1013.1075
17-01-2025 1014.5107
16-01-2025 1014.4049
15-01-2025 1013.2763
14-01-2025 1012.6197
13-01-2025 1012.5598
10-01-2025 1013.6355
09-01-2025 1013.4453
08-01-2025 1013.4508
07-01-2025 1013.6255
06-01-2025 1013.1075
03-01-2025 1014.2933
02-01-2025 1014.0543
01-01-2025 1014.0997
31-12-2024 1013.8523
30-12-2024 1013.1075
27-12-2024 1013.489
26-12-2024 1013.2146
24-12-2024 1013.0093
23-12-2024 1013.0992
20-12-2024 1012.6749
19-12-2024 1012.6517
18-12-2024 1013.1913
17-12-2024 1013.0582
16-12-2024 1013.1075
13-12-2024 1013.4074
12-12-2024 1013.3557
11-12-2024 1013.6459
10-12-2024 1013.7066
09-12-2024 1013.1075
06-12-2024 1013.4842
05-12-2024 1014.1504
04-12-2024 1013.8746
03-12-2024 1013.4501
02-12-2024 1013.1075
29-11-2024 1014.2326
28-11-2024 1013.2243
27-11-2024 1013.0852
26-11-2024 1013.2144
25-11-2024 1013.1075
22-11-2024 1013.9332
21-11-2024 1013.8188
19-11-2024 1013.5392
18-11-2024 1013.1075
14-11-2024 1012.7547
13-11-2024 1012.8
12-11-2024 1012.9275
11-11-2024 1013.1075
08-11-2024 1013.9279
07-11-2024 1013.4202
06-11-2024 1013.2468
05-11-2024 1013.1349
04-11-2024 1013.1075
31-10-2024 1013.4931
30-10-2024 1013.3653
29-10-2024 1013.2417
28-10-2024 1013.1075
25-10-2024 1013.6286
24-10-2024 1013.3089
23-10-2024 1013.1209
22-10-2024 1012.6366
21-10-2024 1013.0457
18-10-2024 1012.8174
17-10-2024 1013.1825
16-10-2024 1013.1733
15-10-2024 1013.1671
14-10-2024 1013.1075
11-10-2024 1015.1063
10-10-2024 1014.5717
09-10-2024 1014.5127
08-10-2024 1013.2647
07-10-2024 1012.6046
04-10-2024 1012.9222
03-10-2024 1013.4775
01-10-2024 1013.5186
30-09-2024 1013.1075
27-09-2024 1014.3563
26-09-2024 1014.2003
25-09-2024 1013.6527
24-09-2024 1013.5884
23-09-2024 1013.1075
20-09-2024 1014.1468
19-09-2024 1014.111
17-09-2024 1013.104
16-09-2024 1013.1075
13-09-2024 1014.9809
12-09-2024 1014.2807
11-09-2024 1014.0588
10-09-2024 1013.5061
09-09-2024 1013.1075
06-09-2024 1014.0753
05-09-2024 1013.9231
04-09-2024 1013.7956
03-09-2024 1013.4519
02-09-2024 1013.1075
30-08-2024 1013.385
29-08-2024 1013.3538
28-08-2024 1013.2539
27-08-2024 1013.0823
26-08-2024 1013.1075
23-08-2024 1014.2321
22-08-2024 1014.0172
21-08-2024 1013.5795
20-08-2024 1013.5705
19-08-2024 1013.1075
16-08-2024 1014.2165
14-08-2024 1013.6574
13-08-2024 1013.4239
12-08-2024 1013.1075
09-08-2024 1013.4924
08-08-2024 1013.3357
07-08-2024 1013.2532
06-08-2024 1012.9179
05-08-2024 1013.1075
02-08-2024 1013.8762
01-08-2024 1013.4755
31-07-2024 1013.2909
30-07-2024 1012.9087
29-07-2024 1013.1075
26-07-2024 1015.7322
25-07-2024 1014.9084
24-07-2024 1013.9708
23-07-2024 1013.5882
22-07-2024 1013.1075
19-07-2024 1014.2486
18-07-2024 1014.0457
16-07-2024 1013.7049
15-07-2024 1013.1075
12-07-2024 1014.1345
11-07-2024 1013.9575
10-07-2024 1013.7738
09-07-2024 1013.3796
08-07-2024 1013.1075
05-07-2024 1014.2819
04-07-2024 1014.0371
03-07-2024 1013.9084
02-07-2024 1013.4247
01-07-2024 1013.1075
28-06-2024 1013.1963
27-06-2024 1013.0564
26-06-2024 1013.0681
25-06-2024 1013.0887
24-06-2024 1013.1075
21-06-2024 1013.9379
20-06-2024 1013.5917
19-06-2024 1013.3345
18-06-2024 1013.1075
14-06-2024 1014.3779
13-06-2024 1014.2603
12-06-2024 1013.6183
11-06-2024 1013.4456
10-06-2024 1013.1075
07-06-2024 1013.3773
06-06-2024 1012.9279
05-06-2024 1012.2481
04-06-2024 1011.5164
03-06-2024 1013.1075
31-05-2024 1012.9415
30-05-2024 1012.852
29-05-2024 1012.9111
28-05-2024 1012.9374
27-05-2024 1013.1075
24-05-2024 1014.0284
22-05-2024 1013.7802
21-05-2024 1013.1075
17-05-2024 1014.0126
16-05-2024 1013.9766
15-05-2024 1013.5951
14-05-2024 1013.1949
13-05-2024 1013.1075
10-05-2024 1013.5308
09-05-2024 1013.1794
08-05-2024 1012.8894
07-05-2024 1012.9525
06-05-2024 1013.1075
03-05-2024 1014.3155
02-05-2024 1013.9624
30-04-2024 1013.3046
29-04-2024 1013.1075
26-04-2024 1013.4688
25-04-2024 1013.2512
24-04-2024 1013.3347
23-04-2024 1013.4966
22-04-2024 1013.1075
19-04-2024 1012.3566
18-04-2024 1013.1397
16-04-2024 1012.815
15-04-2024 1013.1075
12-04-2024 1013.042
10-04-2024 1013.9383
08-04-2024 1013.1075
05-04-2024 1013.8543
04-04-2024 1013.9403
03-04-2024 1013.5118
02-04-2024 1013.1075
31-03-2024 1014.4629
28-03-2024 1014.1342
27-03-2024 1013.3304
26-03-2024 1013.1075

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